Sunday, June 21, 2009

What more needs to be said. Who wants to be a part of Team Tillman?

Thursday, June 18, 2009

In case you didn't get one, this the flyer that we handed out at the Saratoga Springs Parade. We handed out 200 and probably could have handed out 100-150 more.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Team Tillman
This is a picture that we took today to put on a poster which will be used to cheer on my mom at her triatholon this Saturday at Shadow Cliffs in Pleasanton, CA. Go Maga!

Monday, June 15, 2009

City Council Vacancy

Saratoga Springs residents should have recently received this publication which announced Councilman Moss' resignation. This is great news for Team Tillman because if we play our cards right we can get into office four months early. Today I sent in my letter of interest to be considered for this appointment. The council intends to fill the vacancy by June 30th. Please show your support for me by calling or e-mailing Lori Yates, City Recorder, this week and next and letting her know that you would like Brandon Tillman appointed to City Council.
Lori Yates
City Recorder
Phone: 801-766-9793

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Saratoga Splash Parade

"The Parade Was a Smashing Success"
This is me admiring the banner and leading our contingent forward.

This picture is before the parade started. Phil Hanney and Matt Killpack (top right) are strategizing about how to hand out the most amount of flyers in the least amount of time.

Getting ready for the parade.

This is the stroller gang pre-parade. Camron Hill and Dave Robinson in the foreground. Killpacks in the backgroud.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Saratoga Splash Parade is this Saturday at 10:00 AM. This is the banner that Team Tillman will be carrying to victory.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Tillman for City Council